Soft drinks will be the next problem found in daily foods and groceries consumed by most of us. Let us look at the next problem found in everyday foods and groceries consumed by most Americans: soft drinks.
We are a nation of people hooked on soft drinks. As I know from experience - and maybe your own experience agrees with this - many of us turned overweight or obese firstly by doing diets high in soft drink consumption. As a result, we are now “addicted” to these soft drinks while having a hard time removing them from our diet.
This addiction works at many levels. It is more than just a need: it is a biochemical, multisensory addiction that can be hard for individuals to break.
I know this well because of my friend: He grew up on a diet that was high in soft drink consumption. During most of our younger years, He hardly drank water at all and, instead, relied on soft drinks. It only took six months for him to stop the habit. In addition, I am happy to say today that he has been 100 percent free of soft drinks for nearly 10 years.
Obviously, this is the goal you should shoot for: the complete and permanent removal of soft drinks from your dietary habits.
Unfortunately, it is not easy to reach the goal, and most people trying to lose some weight inevitably turn to diet soft drinks to prevent the extraordinary refined sugars present in regular soft drinks.