The nutrients and vitamins that we get from our food are just absorbed when interacting with other nutrients. It works slightly like the engine of a car. For that engine to run, fuel alone is certainly not enough. The nutrients we need should be presented in a manner that encourages several of them as possible to work together.
However, will there be more in getting a healthy diet than taking in natural organic foods? We feel strongly that we are what we eat or more accurately, we are what we absorb.Take for example carrots, which are best eaten, raw to reduce nutrient loss. Carrots are a great source of antioxidants, Beta-Carotene, vitamins K and C. While carrots can be a healthy option, getting the full benefits of the nutrients you should also eat nuts to supply fats carotenoid and vitamin K absorption. Pine nuts or sunflower seeds claim to be an ideal choice as they have vitamin E, which works synergistically with vitamin C and can be spread over a salad containing raw carrots.
Here are some other examples of foods, which work well together.
Foods high in Calcium (fermented dairy products, raw milk, sardines,.) Must be combined with foods rich in magnesium such as pumpkin, oat bran, brown rice, whole grains, nuts, or dark green leafy vegetables.
Calcium is stored in the bones. If you do not absorb it, it will be flush through the urine. If you do not have an enough uptake of Calcium then the Calcium your body needs to work will likely be pulled from the bones causing such things as poor bone density or osteoporosis. Vitamin D is important for Calcium absorption and metabolism. In places that do not bring much sun, Vitamin D should be supplemented. Magnesium is another great way of absorbing and metabolizing Calcium, as well as Probiotics and essential fatty acids. Potassium will reduce Calcium excretion in the urine.
Foods high in B12 (red meat, oily fish, eggs, and yoghurt) should be combined with other B vitamins such as B5 (pulses, lentils, sunflower seeds) and Biotin (hazelnuts, almonds, sweet potato, tomato, carrot, or avocado) for absorption.
B12 is stored in the liver and plays an active part in proper DNA reproduction. Should cells do not reproduce properly you will get cell mutations that can lead to cancers.
Selenium content is entirely dependent on its consumption from the soil. Selenium is found in halibut, oats, barley, brown rice, Brazil nuts, kidney beans, and button mushrooms. To use Selenium it is better done with vitamin E (olive oil, sun-dried tomatoes, avocados, sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, and spinach).
Selenium has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Combined with vitamin E it promotes anti-inflammatory pathways. Promoting skin health where acne, eczema and psoriasis are concerned. It may also be good in chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis and lupus. It must be noted here that if you are concerned with all the heavy metals from chemtrails being sprayed overhead or the mercury fillings in your teeth selenium helps to flush heavy metals from your system.
We clearly believe almost all the allergic reactions and health problems we suffer from today are caused by poor diet. There are also many ingredients in the food that we eat today which for instance should not be there. It is also no concurrence that our health has suffered since the beginning of pesticides and GM foods.
Proof are available in Studies done by Dr.Weston Price whom during the early 1930s, traveled over 100,000 miles to examine the diets and health of remote primitive peoples in Africa, South America, Australia, Polynesia, Europe and northern Canada, during a period when such communities still existed. He discovered that these people were much healthier than we are today and almost never suffered from illness.
Unfortunately, in addition, he learned that after being introduced to modern diet in just one generation these tribes faced several health problems: narrowed faces, crowded teeth, decrease in immunity, and degenerative disease. For a perfect example of this Just take a glance at the Native Americans today, full of our American foods, observe how nations of great, healthy hunters have degenerated into obese, disease filled shadows, suffering from heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and alcoholism.
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